CATEGORYMeditrina Beverages(メディトリナ)








メディトリナ ビバレッジは、この伝統と癒しの融合にインスピレーションを受け、昔ながらのブドウ栽培の伝統と、グラス 1 杯のワインに感じられる回復の喜びの両方を呼び起こしています。


Our name is as rich in meaning as wine is in flavour. Meditrina pays homage to the Roman goddess associated with the art of healing, longevity, and wine itself.


In ancient times, wine was not only a symbol of celebration but also a cherished elixir, believed to possess medicinal properties that fostered health and well-being.


It is this intertwining of heritage and healing that inspired Meditrina Beverages, calling on both time-honoured traditions of viniculture and the restorative joys found in a glass of wine.

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  • 定休日
  • 夏季休暇
  • 冬期休暇