
私たちは、世界中の美しいバーやレストランで提供されるワインを造る、独立した家族経営のワイナリーです。1968 年の創業以来、オーストラリアで最も知名度の低いトップ 20 ワイナリーとしての地位を着実に確立し、知る人ぞ知る高品質で効率的かつ革新的なワインメーカーとして、目立たない評判を喜んで享受してきました。


We are an independent, family owned winery making wines that are served in beautiful bars and restaurants around the globe.  Since our origin in 1968, we have steadily established ourselves as Australia’s least well known top twenty winery, happily enjoying our under the radar reputation as a quality, efficient and innovative winemaker for those in the know.

Our aim, with every wine we make, is to produce excellent, high quality wines combining the care and attention of a micro producer with the efficiencies of a major player.  This attention to detail and quest for perfection has seen us steadily attract like-minded partners across the globe, and allowed us to grow into the winery you see today.

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  • 定休日
  • 夏季休暇
  • 冬期休暇